Monday, November 07, 2005

The MATE experience

Here are some of my canadian friends having their first mate (which is a very common drink at home... like tea, but more popular)

Poor Mike here had the worst first mate EVER (my yerba -the leaves- was very old and bitter and I didn't tried it before him, like I would normally do... so he got his worst first impression, but funny enough he is the one that still drinks mate! He has the whole set at home). Actually, in that trip to Ottawa that I posted here, he sebo mate -the action of making mate- to Andrew, the russian mobster, and me in the car. I should have taken some pics of that!

KT... did you like it?

Laney is cool with it... she doesn't show any sign of pain (hey! It's not painful at all, its just different at first)

And last... Spencer... he survived

Awww... now I want someone to drink mate with. I don't drink it alone, its more fun to be in a group of people having mate... everyone drinks from the same bombilla -straw- ... and we all share our saliva... and... and...


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