Thursday, November 24, 2005

ART hurts, LOVE hurts, WEATHER hurts

Yeah... they DO...

Today I started chiselling my sculpture as you can see below... everything is awesome except that I hammered my finger 10 times... so now IT HURTS! plus I can barely bend it... ouch!

You can actually see the finger getting all swollen here...

The left finger should look like the right one...

And then while cooking (I should stop cooking) I burnt my finger... so the yellow thing I have in my right hand finger its medicine for burns... anything else? Yeah... the blue thing on my right hand is just ink.

And stupid weather and the stupid ice on the floor made me slip and almost fall sooo many times! I have to give one point to the weather... thanks to the snow I collected from the floor my finger is not that swollen... cause I put it on ice! (well, snow in this case)... thats the only good thing... but you have to hurt yourself for the weather to be helpful in some way. Other than that... I hate it. It sucks walking on the street, you eat a lot of snow, you get into windy swirls of snow, it gets into your eyes, your (at least mine) headphones fall all the time cause your ears are so frozen that they reject the earplugs, and the floor is all slipery and you have to walk like a penguin not to fall (smart guys those).


Blogger Kt Shy said...

Awww man Lu, why you gotta beat yourself up like that? Poor thing. Wear nice warm EARMUFFS or a hat over your earphones so they'll #1 stay in place and #2 keep you warm!!!! ^____^

10:40 AM  
Blogger Horacio Domingues said...

Hola, Lucía,

Gracias por tu comentario.

No tuve una educación "formal".
Mucha práctica y la suerte de conocer gente buena y talentosa que me fueron enseñando los secretos del oficio.

Un beso,

PD:Por favor, cuidá esas manos!

3:38 AM  
Blogger said...

Hola Lucia :) gracias por tu email,antes te tenia en mi blog pero era tu pagina web,borre las paginas web y puse los blog, pero no sabia q tenias un blog, ya te he puesto en mis links, no se cual preferias pero te puse en Argentina, asi tiene mas gente el team jejeje.Decirte q tenias muy buenos trabajos en tu web, espero poder seguir viendo mas cositas tuyas aunque sean cachitos, porque se q no todos tenemos tiempo :).. Te cuidas y tu luces increible trabajando ;)

6:46 AM  
Blogger kunal kundu said...

you have a very beautiful and
pic-turesque blog! nice space..... and sorry about that finger!

8:09 AM  
Blogger nickwatson said...

i love a woman with glasses.....
great stuff lucia

2:48 PM  
Blogger Paul Tuller said...

ooo exciting, we get to see he process of a sculpture being sculpted!! Thanks for posting this stuff, hope your finger gets better

8:20 PM  
Blogger Tony Truong said...

ouch ma. Last time it was messed cuz of Qadesh and now... geeez. take care of yourself.. or just come to Ottawa.. we'll take care of you.. =)

11:29 PM  

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