Monday, January 16, 2006

"Tango Addiction" by Linda Walsh Casas (fragment)

"Argentine Tango is more than a dance or a musical style. Many Tangueros say it is a way of life. It has been called a "secret danced between two people", a "feeling that is danced", and a "walking embrace". It is said that Tango is not in the feet; it is in the heart. It is more about the connection with your partner and the expression of feelings than about choreography.

Although Tango continues to evolve, its essence has not changed after more than a century. The beauty of Tango lies in being totally "present", being completely aware of, and focused on, your partner and the music. Tango is an imporvised dance, and no piece of music is ever danced the same way twice. Each dance is unique. Because neither partner knows exactly what will come next, Tango requires heightened sensitivity to your partner, while still expressing yourself. It can bring out the best in both of you.

Tango dancers will tell you that, once experienced, the magic of Tango is addictive."

Thanks Linda for sharing this!!!


Blogger Kt Shy said...

Beautiful description, seems you're hooked for life! :D

6:32 PM  
Blogger ~ Lu said...

ohhh ma'am I AM

1:06 PM  
Blogger said...

Oh Lucia :) gracias por tu visita, no te preocupes yo siempre visito aunq yo no tenga updates . Si las vacaciones han sido increibles :),cuesta mucho volver a la realidad,pero bueno ahi adelante estamos..No te preocupes si voy a poner mas trabajos, solo que ahora las munecas me tiene ocupada, porque pues hace mas o menos un ano las volvi hacer y pues se venden mucho y a precios q no pense q se venderia, y no es q no labore a veces mi esposo me llama de computer girl en la manana y computer sewing girl en la noche :)...por eso he estado ocupada..Estoy tratando de repartir el trabajo, pero a veces cuesta y en la semana pueda q tenga algunos pedidos en fin,pero difruto mucho q es lo importante :)... Uhmm ahora con esto del tango a lo mejor hago una muneca de tango ;)....Te me cuidas mucho y bonitos post tienes

Muchos besitos ;)

3:56 PM  
Blogger kelly erwin said...

wow... that sounds intense!
hmm... if there's any dancing I'd like to try it would be that, or tap dancing...
also, thanks for all the info about the AGO, I'm gonna look into that soon. and maybe do a real clay sculpture.. I wish sheridan hada mini class, I'd love to take it.
anyways, take care and I'll see you soon,
also you should come up to the appartment sometime!

10:29 PM  
Blogger said...

Lu en mi casa te envio un reply :)... Mientras tanto te envio este mensajito :)...

2:49 AM  
Blogger Horacio Domingues said...


Me alegro que estés por aquí!!!

Estamos en contacto!



4:15 PM  

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