Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Head Sculpture

Ok... this is my first sculpture from life... my third one finished in total (counting Lala and Sherlock Holmes)
Here there is... the model....(from a work in progress pic)
By the way... I havent finished cleaning the plaster cast from all the plaster mould... but I think I will leave it like this... it looks nice (in my opinion)


Blogger said...

Oh Lucia look GREATTTTTTTTT !!! now in cgi :D

2:17 PM  
Blogger Horacio Domingues said...

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6:57 PM  
Blogger Horacio Domingues said...

Uauu, Lucía!

Si ésta es tu primera escultura,
la quinta la vemos en el Louvre!

Mis humildes felicitaciones y un beso!


7:00 PM  
Blogger Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

that's a great head Lu I'd love to see more

9:22 PM  
Blogger Kt Shy said...

Beeeeeeeeeeutiful! Like sculptures from ancient Greece... or Rome when they took over. Hora! Really looks like the guy u showed me the photo of too!

9:53 PM  
Blogger Mike Barth said...

hey lu.... looks great

though i had the luxery of seeing it in person...
great job...I say DO MORE!!!

you have talent...go with it.

Mike :)

10:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

yo Lu thats mad cool!...thanks for hitting up my blog...I hope your have a great time in Argentina...

2:26 PM  
Blogger said...

I wish a beautiful Christmas and Happy New Year ;D....Be good

2:02 AM  
Blogger ~ Lu said...

Thanks guys for the comments!!!

I wish you all a happy New Year and merry Christmas!!!

I'll try to update the clone often... but we'll see...


6:13 AM  
Blogger said...

Ya estaba saliendo para hacer las ultimos preparativos en la casa para ya salir en la noche :).. Gracias Lucia te deseo q tengas unas bonitas fiestas en Argentina tambien ;) y pues si a ver que empecemos bien el siguiente year con mucha fuerza ;)....Yo tambien estare desconectada porque mi hermana se han mudado a una casa nueva creo q todavia no tienen telefono :),aunque lo van a poner pero igual no quiero saber nada de compus jejejej CHI CHI QUE PASE SUPERRRRRRRR ;)

6:37 AM  
Blogger Jorge Iván Argiz said...

Hola. Espero que nos sigas poniendo esculturas. Me pasaré por aquí. Un saludo desde la verde Asturias

1:38 PM  
Blogger Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

thanks for your honesty once again

6:23 PM  
Blogger Jarrett said...

Lookin' sharp!

2:16 PM  
Blogger La Niña Graphics said...

esta es la primera?
pues no quiero ni pensar cuando lelves 10!!!

que pasada!

nice work!

2:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Loving the sculptures Lucia!! Lovely blog

7:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

awesome sculpture!

10:06 PM  
Blogger insanitay said...

Hey LULU!!!

Nice to see that you are going off in a different direction in Art!!! It will help your drawing sooooooo much!!! Love the photos...miss you guys a lot!!!!! Say hi to everyone for me.



5:24 AM  
Blogger Oscar Grillo said...

Mira donde te vengo a encontrar, Lucia!...Impresionantes tus trabajos!
Un cordial saludo.

8:46 AM  
Blogger ~ Lu said...

Gracias a toooodos por los comentarios!!!

THANKS EVERYONE for the comments!!!

Virginia, sos una genia, siempre firme y presente.

Horacio, me estoy volviendo a Argentina, asi que ya tendremos oportunidad de conocernos personalmente.

Linton, How are you?!?!? Are you around?

KT, my beloved lil sis... I miss you jerk!

Barthy, what can I say, I love you!

Paolo, better catch up with Tango, next time I'll see you we have to dance!

Jorge Ivan y La Niña, gracias por el comentario... vieron las esculturas nuevas?

Jarrett, yup there is life after Sheridan, lol... but you have to push yourself to do stuf, cause nobody will.

Bobby, Thanks for looking at my art. Now that Im going home home, I wont be able to join the subway sketching sessions... one day, one day. Thanks for helping me that day, years ago, I will never forget.

Alina, how are you doing?!?!? long time no see! I have to catch up and visit everyones blogs... ive been lazy latelly, but I will do it soon!

Scott! How are ya??? WHERE are ya? Im going home to the warmer lands, are you missing the Canadian winter? Hey lets keep in contact!

Oscar, que sorpresa! Me encanto que hayas caido en mi pagina! Buenisimo!!! Espero que estes muy bien, yo dia a dia disfruto tus dibujos, gracias! Un beso

Thanks everyone, Lu

9:18 PM  

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